to mad………..

Just a little update on our lives. Today is Father’s Day, so Madley and I are sitting in the recliner, typing this and watching Madagascar (Move it Move it). It’s about 7:20 am and you decided to get up at 5:30 yet again. I say when you are a teenager and love to sleep I am going to come and wake you up. Say Ma ma I wanted to take a nap with you! The thought of this cracks me up, I would really like to get one decsent nights sleep but I sometimes find it sweet. Like this am when I picked you up I didn’t lay your head on my shoulder so you reached up and touched my shoulder and said no there.

Last night we went to Fayetteville to buy Daddy new amp. We also ended up getting an Ipad3 for you, Madagascar, and the firts season of Full House. Can you say rotten? Of course we wanted it too. Afterwards we went and ate at Noodles when we walked you smelt the food and said “yummm”! Our waiter even told us we were raising you right, you have so many manners.

This week you went to the shop with me. When a lady asked you how old you were you said “Two………and a half.” Everyone started laughing. Of course you can say your ABCs, count to 10 and we are working on counting to 20, and your colors.

After your last gymnastic class we have decided to become drop outs. You didn’t want to do anything. You told the coach you were taking a nap, then you said I am sleeping. I was so embarassed. We start ballet in September.